Jul 31, 2007

Lego Indy

Jul 30, 2007

Comic-con Aftermath

So Comic-con just ended, and a lot of big news came from there. I know I the strips should be about stupid tourist, but to many geeky things are going on in the world! lol

Jul 29, 2007

60 Years of Alien Conspiracy

So uh yeah this us just geeking out! Now I'm off to play the Wii!

PS don't forget to patronize my sponsors... click the adds above... Thanks!

Jul 26, 2007


So if you haven't checked out wiihaveaproblem.com, its a pretty funny site about stupid people that let go of their wiimotes, and break the wall or TV in front of them.

Jul 25, 2007

Wii Sport

So have you ever played the Wii much that you began seeing the world in Mii-vision?... Well me either, but I thought it would be a neat idea for a week long theme! So expect much more Mii-Madness to come!

Jul 23, 2007

Wii Week Begins

Well this is the start of Wii Week. I just got a Wii not to long ago, and I have obsessed over it, about as much as depicted here this week!

Jul 21, 2007

Fishing in the pool

I'm glade to finally get a close up on Allen, so you can see his badge is on upside down. I'm constantly doing that with my name tag. Also Allen is finally reading a new comic cover! Wahoo!

Jul 20, 2007

Star Wars Miniatures

So I am a huge fan of Star Wars Miniatures and I had to show off one of my maps in the strip! If you haven't heard Star Wars Miniatures is a scaled down version of an RPG like D&D. Basically all you do is battle! Check it out here. Its loads of fun, but as of late I have not been able to find anyone to play with here in this tourist trap I live in!

Jul 18, 2007

Phone doesn't work

So this is actually seems like a stupid moment on Allens part! But really he ment to say that, cause he doesn't want to talk to him!

Jul 16, 2007

Waltzing Man

Yes people do actually say this stuff!! People on Vaction need to learn to take a chill pill!

Jul 14, 2007


This is a true story! People on vacation really are that dumb sometimes.

Jul 13, 2007


So it's Friday the 13th again, and for todays web comic We wanted to add a Buffy reference. Its a little vague, but I assure you that was the intention.

Jul 12, 2007


Well today's web comic is one of those funny Bill Engvall moments. I felt like reaching through the phone and handing this guy a "sign." Look up Bill Engvall if you don't know what I mean.

Jul 11, 2007

Harry Potter

Ok SO I'm not really that obsessive, but I do really enjoy the Harry Potter series. And this newest movie looks really cool! I will probably wait until after the little ones won't be there by the bus loads!

Jul 10, 2007

Jul 9, 2007

Lost Loser

Well I'm sure you can tell I have a going gag with all these crappy pick up lines. Its just too easy to make fun of stupid guys.

Jul 8, 2007

100th Comic

So this is it! This in the 1-00! I can't believe I have made 100 comics about people on vacation (or geeky stuff) I expect to make some for a year, and see what the readers have to say. If I get a lot good input, I will keep going, otherwise, I'll probably move on to another idea! Well Thanks for reading, and I'll see ya tomorrow!

Jul 7, 2007

Scott turns to the darkside

So he's not really, but I just wanted to something visually different, and keep it simple. Most might not find this to funny, but it is soo true! Also this is the 99th web comic! tomorrow will be the 100th. I can't believe I've made that many, and that people keep reading them(Of course I do hound people all the time.. lol) Man I love when I quote Star Wars because that is soo me! hope you enjoy!

Jul 6, 2007

Video Rental or Popcorn Maker?

I have some new wallpapers over at the archives. The wallpapers include some Star Wars art, and art for an upcoming Wii themed week! Click the Thumbnails below for the link!

Jul 5, 2007

Fireworks Backlash

This image I really love because it's suppose to pay tribute to Raiders of the lost ark, and with the Indiana Jones IV production plugging right along, you can expect the geeky references to continue!

I also want to note I added a banner ad.. in hopes that I can make some funds (so any one that wants to support Tourist Trap can simply click on the links so I can gain some fundage!)

Jul 4, 2007

Happy July 4th

So if you don't understand, Allen and Scott are talking about the new Transformers movie. Growing up we never really watched the cartoon, but that doesn't mean the movie doesn't look bad@$$, and I really do want to see it!