Jun 30, 2007

Dumb idea

Jun 18, 2007

You call him Dr Jones!!!

Ok So if you haven't heard they are making a new Indiana Jones IV, and I'm a HUGE Indiana Jones Fan!!! As we get closer and closer to next May, I will be adding all kinds of Indiana Jones references! (some not as obvious as this one!)

Jun 7, 2007

Star Wars CCG!!!

Well I have to give a shout out to the guys over at theforce.net and them hosting the greatest CCG ever. I head over there for all my Star Wars News!

Jun 5, 2007

Dirty towels

Ok so this may not seem to funny, but when working at a resort for 2 years... this is really what I want to do to people asking to exchange towels. I'm so sick of it!!! If we were a real resort, and had housekeeping here to do it, I would be ok... but NOOO! we cut corners every chance we get around here!
So Really I could have summed up this whole rant with, 'Today's strip is just a way for me to vent.'
Have a nice day, and please keep voteing!! and tell all your friends! I swear I will make an online store soon!